Be A Conscious Decision Maker

Be a conscious decision maker

What is a decision?

Decisions are defined in the Oxford dictionary as a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking about what the best thing to do is. The act of decision making is the process of deciding about something important.

You got it – today we will be talking decisions and decision making.

Many of my clients are women. Most of them are mums, and most of their decisions are connected to the well being of those who are depending on them. They have to decide on the most nutritious breakfast that will keep kids and hubby going for the day. They have to decide on the contents of the lunch boxes that will meet the criteria of the schools and feed their kids. Mums often feel that the decisions they make are responsible for keeping those they love the most alive.

Do you value yourself when you make decisions?

In all of this decision making one of the most important people are lost. You. You as a mum, a life partner, a friend, a nurse, an-all-in-one, are lost in the decision making. You feel that you do not have the time to make the decisions that matter to you. You feel guilty when you do make a decision that will benefit only you. You feel that you are the caretaker of your family and that you must come last.

Whether you think so or not, that is actually a decision you are making. You are deciding that you do not count… when in fact, that could not be further from the truth.
You count. Your health, your wellness matters.

You see, we all understand big decisions. We think about them, have sleepless nights as a result of them.  But, it is the small decisions, the every day living decisions, that we make without thinking. The habits that we have cultivated that happens without giving it a second thought. The ‘eating your kids’ leftovers, after you have had your plate, because you do not want it to go to waste,’ type of decisions, that have lasting impacts on you.

It is having a chocolate bar for lunch on the go, because we are in a rush to go and get the kids from school.
It is the decisions that we make without thinking, that are often our biggest stumbling block.

My challenge to you

I would like to challenge you today. Become a conscious decision maker. Stop living on auto pilot. Start living and being in the moment. Be aware of where you are, what you are doing, and most importantly, who you are and what makes you tick.

When you make a big life changing decision like: Get fit and healthy, you have to understand that there will be hundreds of small decisions that go with that one big choice.

You know this already, but you just never seem to really implement it, because life happens?

I have been in the fitness industry for thirty years and have seen many of my clients struggle with this. Using my skills as a neurolinguistic practitioner, as well as my experience as a personal trainer I have designed an online training program that will have you become more conscious in the way you make decisions.

The first decision that you have to consciously make however, is the one to start thinking of yourself as important enough to warrant such an investment in your health and your future. You really are worth it.

Please allow me to help you stick to decisions you have made. Together we can become a force to be reckoned with. You just need to realise that this is a choice that is not selfish to make.

Have a look at my website, for more information about online training, or call me at 0437 314 920 and let’s have a chat about how I can help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

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