Change The Way You Think

Good news! You can change the way you think.

Today, my message is simply about ‘planting a seed’!

As a personal trainer I am helping my clients with their fitness and their nutrition but most importantly their mindset. I have always told my clients – Be careful what you say and think, your body is listening!

If they have negative self talk happening upstairs it can be an impossible turn around with their fitness and health until they address their mindset.

It’s all about the mind.

One of the best books I’ve read on this topic is the book Mindset by Carolyn Dweck. In it she discusses a Fixed mindset versus a Growth Mindset. In a fixed mindset, you believe that your basic qualities such as talent and intelligence are fixed traits and cannot be developed.

You have what you have and that’s it. Simply not true and sad that this is how some people go through life.

While a growth mindset, you believe that your abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Having a growth mindset is integral to being successful. It creates a love of learning and growth that is essential for great accomplishment.

It can be a challenge to coach clients with a fixed mindset. And It can be a huge transformation until I get them out of a fixed mindset. But when they move into a growth mindset, anything is possible if they are ready to work for it.

So, the big question – Turn the tables and ask yourself – are you exhibiting a growth mindset? Do you constantly push to learn and grow to be more successful?

If you would like my guidance to ensure you are taking the right action to help you reach your goals. Simply click on the link where you’ll find out more about having the right plan in place and taking action on that plan.

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