Dinner Lady Wings? Try this…..

Want chiseled, athletic-looking arms? Here we go then….

Most people spend their workout time doing lower body exercises (squats, lunges, and other butt-shaping moves)… Which is great because you’re getting the ‘best bang for your buck.’ 

But some peeps perform… long, boring cardio sessions… WHY?  

But here’s a secret all top trainers know:  A strong upper body is a big piece to the puzzle for an overall defined, sculpted look (in fact, with more definition in your upper body, you can LOOK leaner than you really are ;)… 

… not to mention the best defense against future injuries and poor posture.  

But if you’d specifically like to tighten those ‘Dinner Lady Arms,’ then…….


These 4 moves below are designed to sculpt eye-turning arms and shoulders fast – no matter what your current fitness level.  
The best part?  It only takes 8 minutes.

Here the plan: 
Beginner: Work 30 seconds – Rest 30 seconds 
Intermediate: Work 40 seconds – Rest 20 seconds 
Advanced: Work 45 seconds – Rest 15 seconds 
Elite: Work 50 seconds – Rest 10 seconds 

Perform each exercise for specified work period and do as many reps as possible, with good form.

Rest for specified time period between the exercises. At the end of the circuit, repeat for one or two more rounds, depending how you feel at the time.
A) Core Rows 
B) Wall Slides 
C) Single-Leg Walkouts 
D) Floor flutters

Simply click on the links to see the exercises:

Core Rows

Wall slides

Single-leg walkouts

Floor flutters

Now I must be honest – Its slightly naughty of me to send out exercises en-mass to people who may have ‘restrictions.’ However, I’ve chosen safe options and set time limits.

Ideally, all fitness programs should be customised for the individual.


We all have different goals:
Fat loss
Muscle tone
Strength gain – to name just a few.

Then there are other aspects to take into consideration:
Your physical limitations
Sleep patterns 
Your nutrition requirements
Your mindset.

It would be pointless giving a beginner a 5-day/week exercise program – just too overwhelming.

Or giving an intermediate or advanced client a generic 3-day/week exercise program just won’t cut the mustard if they are in a plateau or haven’t used some kind of progressions.

So this gave me an idea…

How about I customize an exercise program just for you?

If you want to start seeing REAL, visible results FASTER from your exercise program without being a slave to cardio machines, you need a structured program that’s been proven to work. 

That’s where I come in. We’ll work together, no matter your fitness level, what equipment you do or do not have, and tailor it to your specific goals.

This is all about tailoring a customized exercise program. You’ll know what exercises to do, for how long, with specific reps, based on how you want to look and feel. I even offer accountability so you stick to it.

If this sounds good to you…

Apply To Get Your Customised Program Here

Whatever you do, don’t give up on exercise. If you’re over 35… this is when you either “use it or lose it”. 

If you are looking for A NEW You, in time for Summer – Now’s the ideal time

In Your Corner



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