Too Much Sugar? Here’s the Steps……

When I was in my teens, even up to my late 20’s I could ‘get away’ with eating a family bar of chocolate (and more) with no side effects.

Now in my 50’s – No chance! Revenge is sweet (couldn’t resist that one). Bloating, tired…. The list goes on.

For those 40 plus, you’re probably experiencing ‘intolerances’ to either sugar, dairy or wheat. We simply become less tolerant as we age. (I know, it’s a bummer).

4 Sugar Addicts

So, it begs the question. Why are many of us addicted to sugar?

Well, I wouldn’t normally categorise people. But on this occasion I will.

Over the past 3 decades I’ve met 4 different types of sugar addicts:

Stress Balls
These folks are going at it 100kph throughout the day. They simply don’t make the time to eat real food.
Answer – Don’t be at the mercy of being ‘reactive.’ Instead, plan your day and make time to put those all-important nutrients into your body.

Comfort Seeker
These peeps are emotional eaters
Answer – Take a moment and think what your body needs first.

Sugar Stalker
This group tend to be habitual.
Answer – Take ‘baby steps.’ Swap your current ‘fix’ for a healthier choice.

Exhausted Addict
Similar to Stress Balls but have no energy due to the fact that they don’t do anything physical. The body is ‘wired’ to move.
Answer – Get up and do something physical

The above may come across as being somewhat flippant. It’s not meant to be. Simply communicating and providing a light-hearted twist to the challenge people face.

But if you do notice yourself in one of the above categories (or a mixture of several) – Here’s some practical steps you can take:

Introduce small changes over time. For example: like me, if you love your chocolate, Opt for dark chocolate (healthier option). Break off one line of the bar instead of gorging on the whole packet. Plus, place the chocolate in an awkward place (like having to go out to the fridge in the garage).

Fill up on whole foods first – give the body what it really needs. Prepare food in advance and avoid reactive choices when hungry.

Consume a smoothie that contains mixed frozen berries with an unflavoured whey protein powder

Purchase produce that contains Stevia, instead other sugar choices such as sucrose, saccharine etc.

If you get the ‘sugar urge’ drink a glass of water first before deciding to down that chocolate hot-cross bun.

Mindful eating – Ask yourself, is that really what I’m looking for? Am I making this choice out of boredom or a distraction from a bad feeling – what do I really want?

And most importantly – Ask yourself ‘What is my WHY’? Focus on how you really want to look and feel. This will lead to a heightened intent. Which in turn, will lead to you taking ACTION!

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