Setting myself a goal

[x_blockquote cite=”Victoria Leith” type=”left”]You’re allowed to shine. You’re allowed to be healthy. And there is no service in shrinking away from your talents because you feel like you are ‘blowing your own trumpet’. We all have a trumpet to sound, so let’s hear them.[/x_blockquote]

You can hide your talents, or you can display them so the world can be enriched through them.  You see, you don’t get a talent just because it makes you feel good. No, you get a talent because of what it may mean for others.

When you shine, you enable others to see better. To be better.

Setting myself a goal

I set myself a goal a couple of years ago. I wanted to compete in a bodybuilding comp at the age of 50. And I did. (This is a photo of me on that day).

Setting Myself a Goal - Stephen Sharkey

Was that me shining? You bet ya! But, getting on stage, flexing what needed to be flexed, that was not the talent. No, that was only the result of putting my knowledge to work.

For the past thirty years I have gained experience and knowledge in the field of fitness and nutrition. I was able to periodise my training, choose the right exercises, combine it with the right intensities, rest intervals and tempo.  I knew how to rotate the training phases for long-term gains. Me getting on that stage, that was the result of combination of hard work, knowledge and experience.

My knowledge, my passion for fitness, my love of a healthy lifestyle, and my genuine care that people succeed, that is my talent. My body is the result of me living it.

You can shine

You know you can shine. You can feel that spark of excitement glimmering deep inside you. You are already thinking, “What if… I achieve my goal? What if I start believing that I can? What are the possibilities?”

For far too long have you been scared of success.  For too long have you said, “It is only possible for others.”

Today I want to tell you, “You already shine! You already have a trumpet to blow. It is there, you just need to see it clearer.”

The Healthiest Version of YOU, is a gift to the world.  When you shine the way you are meant to shine, your whole world will be enlightened.

It takes work ethic, education and experience to achieve this. This was true for me and it is true for you as well. Shining and trumpet blowing come with effort.

You know that feeling of getting up and thinking, “Come on world, I am ready for you.” Then you arrive at the first hurdle. This time it will be different. This time I will be at that hurdle guiding you, coaching you how to overcome it.

Why will I be there? Because I couldn’t sit still and not use my talents for the good of those around me. That’s not how I live my life. I have people on a waiting list for one on one personal training, but there are only so many hours in a day that I can work. There had to be a way that I could help people and be personally involved with them.

So, I decided to go online and connect with people through my online training program. I want people to Thrive and not only survive.

As a show of my investment into your journey, I have designed a free video series that you can access through this here.

However, if you have read this and kept thinking, “Yes, I want to shine, but can I?”

Of course you can!

Don’t wait, follow this link and become part the trumpet blowers already onboard. Think of the music you can make!

While you are on the website, head over to the blog for valuable information and motivational posts.  You can even follow me on Facebook.


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