Personal Training

Yay or Nay?

Starting on a fitness journey can feel daunting, especially if the world of fitness is new to you. There’s a lot to consider– what really works or what doesn’t, what exercises you should be doing, how often you should train, etc. It’s a laundry list!

One of the things that people usually spend time thinking about before taking that first step is whether to hire a personal trainer or become their own personal trainer. 

There are several reasons some people prefer to strike out on their own. From budget and schedule to simply liking the  freedom of doing their own thing– these are all good and valid reasons! It ultimately depends on how much you know, how accountable you can hold yourself, and how comfortable you are. The most important thing is to find something that works for you and something you enjoy.

The benefits, however, of using a personal trainer is definitely worth contemplating because they’re plentiful! Whether you’re embarking on a fitness journey as a total beginner or coming back from a long fitness hiatus, personal training can make a huge difference and could be one of  the best investments you’ll ever make in your overall health and well-being.


Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer



A personal trainer can help you define realistic and healthy fitness goals and create a program to achieve them.


Personalised Workout

When it comes to fitness, everyone is different. A personal trainer can create a workout program custom-made just for you, based on your level of fitness and  goals.


Avoiding Injuries

Performing exercises without proper form is a recipe for lasting or serious injuries. A personal trainer can teach you the right form and how to perform exercises properly, reducing your risk of injuries.


Motivation and Celebration

It’s quite difficult to maintain motivation when you work out by yourself. Regular sessions with a personal trainer provide the encouragement, energy, as well as praises you need to hit the ground running.



It’s harder to skip a workout when you know someone is waiting for you. Having a personal trainer can hold you accountable, knowing that he/ she is expecting you. This helps you get past your excuses and pushes you to get up and exercise.



A personal trainer can push you to reach new personal records and constantly bring new challenges to the table. He/ she can also shake up your fitness routine if it has become boring or too easy for you.


Training With Medical Conditions

You can still exercise even if you have a health condition, although the level and type of exercise you can perform may be affected. It’s essential that you talk to your doctor first before starting a new exercise program. A personal trainer can then design a training program for you based on your physician’s recommendations, making sure not to aggravate your existing condition.


Better and Faster Results

A personal trainer can ensure you spend your time performing the right exercises with the proper equipment to reach your goals. If you’re someone who can only commit a limited amount of time to training, a personal trainer can help you maximise that time and still see favourable results.


Better Habits

More than helping you achieve your fitness goals, a personal trainer can help you develop a new perspective on fitness, strength, and health. He/ she can guide you through creating routines and new lasting habits that improve your health, your work, and your life in general.



A personal trainer can make exercise both productive and fun. Having someone to train with can be a great way to increase enjoyment and gratification from your workouts.

Hi! My name is Steve Sharkey, your Online Personal Trainer & Lifestyle Coach. I operate under the business name Thrive Fitness, which is physically located in Perth, WA. My 35 years in the fitness industry has armed me with a wealth of knowledge and experience that I can pass on to you.


Studies say that fitness levels decline with age and accelerate after age 40 to 45, both in men and women. But maintaining a  healthy weight through proper diet and regular physical activity can reduce their risk of being overweight, obesity, and  many other serious health conditions. This is where I come in! 

As a driver for a healthy and long life for older people, it’s my mission to:

1. Help men over 40 years of age re-discover their inner athlete

belly burn challenge

2. Help women over 40 years of age achieve their desired body by dropping their first 5 to 10 kilos

drop 2 sizes challenge

Instead of the ‘Eat less, Move More’ approach, I use a more holistic approach to health and fitness which goes much deeper than losing weight. The THRIVE Method takes care of your overall mental and physical wellbeing by improving other areas in your lifestyle like Sleep, Mindset, and Relationships, along with Nutrition and Exercise.

If you have previously tried and failed to achieve your health + weight loss goals, we can try again together! We’ll work out your personal ‘Success Formula’ and create a new lifestyle that will work for you, even during your busiest schedules. Give me 3 hours per week and I’ll show you how to burn fat fast, boost your energy levels, and rebuild your confidence. 

To suit all my clients’ personal training preferences, I offer fully remote, face to face, and hybrid programs. So if you’ve been spending some time on the internet searching for “Personal Training Clarkson”, “Personal Training Mindarie”, or maybe “Personal Training Northern Suburbs”, you can stop looking! I’m here to help you meet your fitness goals and live a healthier life, whatever your preferred medium is.

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