Dads, I Salute You

Most of us have read the meme that says, “It does not take much to become a father, but it takes a special man to become a dad.”

Our everyday lives are strewn with good examples of great dads. In South Africa a truck driver did not retire until his sixth child could complete her university degree, he was 72 years old.  For 36 years he saved 30 percent of his wages every month so that he could afford to send them to uni. Here in Australia I see examples of that every day, men getting up at the crack of dawn and going to work, often doing12 hour shifts, or they take the red eye flight to an outback region leaving their loved ones for weeks at a time. They do it because they have a family to provide for, not necessarily because they enjoy what they do, but because that is what it takes.

I salute you!

Across the world there are millions of dads who sacrifice themselves for the sake of their families. Sadly, one of the first things that they lose is their fitness, because they just feel that they do not have the time to get to a gym on top of their normal workload, helping the wife at home, and spending quality time with their kids as well.

How do you get back on track with your fitness journey?

1. What is truly important to you?

Sometimes, we are so embroiled in our day to day duties and responsibilities that we forget the bigger picture and what we would like to achieve. I suggest that you take some time out to think about what is really important to you and your family, do you have a shared vision as a family? Do you have something that you can use as a credo for your family?

2. Could you work smarter and not harder?

Have a look at your work schedule. Is there any way that you could work smarter and not harder? You should instinctively know what you could do differently.  We all have habits that we know are not constructive but destructive – checking our emails multiple times a day, is one example. A book that I can recommend is First Things First by Steven Covey. It explains the four quadrant system beautifully.  You could also google the four quadrant system, but make sure that you understand the true nature of the quadrants, otherwise you may be tempted to put a lot of quadrant threes into quadrant one.

This is where I can help you!

I recently launched my online training service. I have more than 20 years of experience in personal training and I have now put together various programs that will help you on your fitness journey.

Using the concept of MASTERMIND groups I will:

– help you with your health and fitness goals

– help you obtain clarity, direction and purpose

– help you discover a vision and passion for your life

– teach you what dietary habits to follow in order to increase muscle  tone, burn fat, feel more energetic and most importantly maintain  this newly found energy

– teach you how to streamline your training so your time is used best  and you will start feeling healthier

– teach you crucial tips and strategies to improve your work-life   balance, improve your sleeping quality and how to live intentionally.

The beauty of online training is that it is borderless. Whether you are a truck driver or a desk jockey, a FIFO dad or a public transport dad, whether you have a gym membership or not, online training can work for you.

Why is your fitness journey important to me?

Because YOU are important to your family.  There is only one of you, and you can not be replaced.

For a free success session to map out your journey (valued at $79) please contact me at 0437 314 920 or email me at [email protected]

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