Growing Apart From Your Partner

Why are so many couples growing apart?⁠

It comes down to two things:⁠

1. Personal growth⁠

Am I growing and developing as an individual? ⁠
What am I learning, what is stretching me? ⁠
Or am I just coasting? ⁠

Don’t let your frustration of stagnation or stress get between you and your partner, own your crap. ⁠

I noticed this personally: when business was great, the relationship was great, when business was crap, I came home with it – not good.⁠

2. Growth as a couple⁠

If we ARE doing step number one, congrats, you’re already doing more than 90% of people. ⁠

BUT, it’s not enough if you want to be happy – plenty of people are rich and lonely.⁠

As people grow, it’s very easy to grow apart, simply because we take different paths. ⁠

I’m in the Online and F-2-F Coaching world, and my lovely wife is in the Healthcare world – similar but at different ends of the health scale.⁠

These differences can break you if you don’t feel like they “get you” anymore. ⁠

But sometimes it simply comes down to different ways of getting there. One person takes the push bike, and the other prefers to walk.⁠

But if you’re working towards the same thing, you’re all ok.⁠

That’s the key… are you working towards the same thing? ⁠

What do YOU want? What do THEY want? ⁠

Have you had this conversation recently? 

If so, how regularly? Just hit reply, I’d love to know.

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