Want to live longer…. Read this

What is the single most preventative thing you could do to live a longer, healthier life?

Thanks to modern medicine we are, generally speaking, living longer.


Here in Australia, most adults over 50 take at least one-lifetime prescription drug. The big ones are for cholesterol, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, and pain management.

Every one of those drugs has serious side effects and can interact with other drugs causing additional side effects. And then need an additional drug to treat the side effects. Until most older people take a virtual cocktail of drugs every day, they still feel bad and suffer from deteriorating health.

Yet, I believe from personal experience and observation that, for most of us, our body is created to function properly when we nurture it properly naturally. And all without the need for pharmaceuticals.

Now, I’m certainly not against modern medicine or prescription drugs. Modern medicine has increased health and life expectancy dramatically. But, it’s primarily because of vaccination against life-threatening diseases and the treatment of trauma and acute illnesses.

Yet, the ongoing treatment of lifetime chronic illnesses, in most cases, can be more effectively treated by lifestyle changes than drug regimens. And lifestyle changes create only the positive side effects of good health.

So what should you do?

Eat nutritionally to feed your body fuel instead of rubbish. That alone will go a long way towards natural health.

Keep your weight at optimal levels which will greatly reduce the need for many drugs.

Stretch, strengthen and do some cardio exercise 4 days per week. That will further increase your health and reduce the need for drugs.

Sleep enough, meditate or learn to reduce stress and build peace to further your health.

Abstain from smoking, excess alcohol, and recreational drugs which only have adverse side effects.

Fill your life with family and friends who will fill your life with love and joy.

And give back to others less fortunate which fills you with satisfaction.

But one word of warning, once you start down this path to wholesome natural health you’ll become addicted to feeling good. And that’s the best feeling in the world.

Real health is only health attained naturally.

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