5 Mistakes Healthy People Make!

You already know this stuff. You know it, yet for some or other reason you have wandered away from doing it.  In a previous newsletter we spoke about setting boundaries for yourself and how you are not depriving yourself of things, but actually gaining enjoyment from your commitment. It is time to get those boundaries up again.

Let’s have a look at the five mistakes you know you are making.

1.  You are not drinking enough water

Coffee does not qualify just because it has been made with water! Come on, start guzzling that H2O.  You know about the eight glass guideline right? Eight glasses over and above the water you drink during exercise.

There is a reason people always have a water bottle with them. Get yourself a nifty water bottle that takes at least a litre of water.  Fill it at least twice a day.  That is a minimum, more if you can.

2. You eat out too often

Sure, you order healthy stuff when at the coffeeshop or restaurant, but remember that they specialise in making food tastier than you would at home.  That means more fat, salt and sugar. Convenience plays a big role in the ‘convenience food trade.’ A little planning will go a long way though. You know the proverb – “Fail to plan and plan to fail.”

What to do? Cook enough for left overs. Pack it the night before. Sorted. No guilt because you have just bought that Anzac bikkie with your coffee.

3. You do not sleep enough

In my newsletter titled Get Some Sleep https://thrivefitness.com.au/blog/get-some-sleep I gave some tips on healthy sleeping patterns. I can not stress the importance of getting enough sleep, enough. Insufficient sleep influences your immune and nervous system and it interferes with healthy hormone release and cellular repairs.

Please read the mentioned newsletter for more information and ideas on how to get to bed earlier.

4. You are stressed

Stress levels can cause weight to stick like glue! Stress creates an increase in cortisol and chronic stress creates a chronic increase, which in turns slows your metabolism, leads to cravings and guess where most of the fat goes?  Your tummy!

Today I am referring to many of my newsletters.  I told you that you already know all this stuff, you just needed to be reminded, right?  Go have a read about setting boundaries for yourself and how decluttering can unlock the secret of life. 

If your stress is chronic and you or a loved one thinks you need help, please go and get help. Sometimes you just need a fresh pair of eyes and ears that are not connected to your own body, to assist you in getting the solutions you are looking for.

5. You are on Exercise Autopilot

What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing day in and day out but expecting different results.  It is not going to happen, let me tell you. Change it up and go into top gear mode. Increase your pace and intensity. Better yet, do something completely new.

Are you ready to change it up and go into top gear mode? I’d love to help you break through those barriers.

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