How Decluttering Your Life May Lead To You Discovering The Secret To Your Life

There are few things that drains energy as much as clutter.  You may not even be aware of it, but it does have a profound influence on you.

It has been found that clutter limits your ability to focus. When your personal space and your mind is cluttered the effect is the same as a whining child who keeps nagging and nagging and nagging and nagging. Or, you could compare it to a dripping tap when you are trying to sleep. You try and focus on your breathing, or try and think about something else, but the dripping of the tap keeps annoying you until you stand up and do something about it.

Could it be that your cluttered surroundings and possibly your cluttered thought processes, have a direct influence on your ability to sustain and be successful in your health and fitness journey?  Yes, I believe so.

Marie Kondo, the author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying: A simple, effective way to banish clutter forever, has amassed quite a following. There is a short synopsis of the book in an article posted on the web regarding the method she advocates.  It seems the most important question you can ask yourself when dealing with decluttering your life is, “Does this spark joy?” If your answer is, “No” then you have to do something about it and oftentimes that something is getting rid of it.  I believe that this is not only applicable to material possessions but also to your thought processes. If a thought does not spark joy then replace it.

When you have decluttered you will find that your priorities also become clearer and more defined. It is important however to not allow these priorities to be overshadowed by being busy.  Busyness has a tendency to lead to cluttering again.

Can you remember the movie City Slickers?  There is this old cowboy and he and the lead character goes for a ride. During this ride they have the following dialogue:

Curly:  Do you know what the secret of life is?

Mitch: No, what?

Curly holding up his index finger: This.

Mitch: Your finger?

Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and everything else don’t mean shit.

Mitch: That’s great, but what’s the one thing?

Curly: That’s what you gotta figure out.

By now you may be thinking, ‘Whoa Steve, you started at decluttering and how it drains your energy in your health and fitness journey and suddenly you have jumped to figuring out the one thing that will hold the answer to the secret of life.  How are these two connected?’

When you have been able to think about the passion in your life and how your vision ties in with that passion, you will need a decluttered life and space to pursue that passion. Your health and fitness journey will integrate seamlessly because you will understand that a healthier and fitter you will be able to accomplish that one thing that holds the key to the secret of your life, so much easier.

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