Could Fruit Products Make You Gain Weight

A fruit is a fruit is a fruit, right?


Not all things with a label that says ‘fruit’ is conducive to burning fat. It is imperative that you start reading labels on products. Once again, my advice stays the same as in my previous blog post about making fat loss simple, ‘Keep it simple.’ When it comes to fruit it is very important to eat fruit that is as close to the natural form as possible. For fat burning purposes, fruit has a place, but balance is key, and two is the magic number.

Here is my list of fruit products that I would not put into a fat burning nutrition plan when I design them:

#1: Juice

If it is not a cold pressed honest to goodness real fresh fruit juice, then do not drink it. You could always put a fruit in your food processor, combine it with complementary vegetables and filtered water and drink that. Much more satisfying, and filling.

Read the labels, the average fruit juice on the shelf has added sugar and flavours added to a majority of water.

#2: The Fruit Smoothie 

Hold on, hold on! I am not talking the fruit smoothie you make at home with frozen berries or mango’s, but I am talking about the ones in the shops that they pass off as über healthy, while it is laden with ice cream of frozen yoghurt which is chock and block full of sugar.

Make your own, then you have control over what goes in. Add a scoop of quality protein powder and you have a meal that is made for fat loss.

#3: Fruit-Filled Desserts

Just because it says raspberry cheesecake, is not to say that it has now become healthy. Knowledge is power and there are some well respected recipe sites on the world wide web that you can get exquisite dessert recipes from, that may actually fit into your meal plan.
Eating for fat burning does not have to mean starving yourself of treats, it just means that you have to know how to combine the good stuff to do it.

#4: Fruit-Flavoured Cereals

A fruit loop is not a fruit. It will however add a loop around your waist. Honestly, despite what the supplier of those sugar laden cereals claim, the nutritional value is almost non-existent. Do not be fooled by ‘health’ claims made by a supplier who is only interested in his profit margins.

Fruit in natural form is best, always has been always will be.

I design nutrition plans when asked to do so. I have twenty five years experience in personal training and have competed in body building competitions. Currently I focus on functional fitness and also provide online training programs for people who can not train with me in a one to one setting.  This is an ideal solution for FIFO workers and clients in regional areas.

To consult with me regarding my online training programs and how it would benefit you, or simply to request pricing information, please call me on 0437 314 920 or contact me via my website or my Facebook page

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