Get Excited About Being Healthy

Let’s get excited about being healthy and filling our body with nutrients we need for health.

Last week I shared with you the importance of shifting your focus from weight-loss to health gain. Mindset, language and intention matter when you’re approaching a major shakeup in your lifestyle. It’s very easy to focus on what you shouldn’t eat when you are in the weight loss mode.

It is true, we need to be aware of what we should not eat. But all that focus leaves us feeling deprived of these foods. Rather than focusing on what we should not or cannot have, try focusing on what we SHOULD eat.

What I have found to work really for client who want to lose weight, is to adopt a certain attitude. It is described with clarity by a Doctor Bordon based in America. Here’s what he has to say:

Make up your mind to put your main focus on what you will eat to improve your health, well-being and effective weight control.

Adopt an attitude that you are excited and committed to overall health. This will allow you to psyche yourself into wanting lots of fresh vegetables, fruits and lean protein.

Let your mind accept that there is every reason to believe that you are fully capable of being excited and enthusiastic about consuming clean and healthy foods.

You can further encourage this positive mind-set by loading up your refrigerator and pantry with an abundance of the best, freshest, healthiest, slimming foods available.

At the end of the day you can feel proud about all the great nutrients you gave your body and relish in knowing it is thankful for the kind treatment.

I must say, his quote is excellent. Well worth listening to or reading the script a few times and really let it sink in. It will help you improve, I am sure.

So if you get excited about being healthy and would like my guidance to ensure you are taking the right action to help you reach your goals. Simply click on the link where you’ll find out more about having the right plan in place and taking action on that plan.

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