How To Set Boundaries For Yourself!

In this week’s newsletter we are going to put the theory of previous newsletters into practise. 

First, let’s recap on those newsletters.  In the newsletter titled, What Motivates You? we were reminded that many people are not clear on what their vision in life is, and because of that, they do not set clear goals that fit in with their health and fitness journey. One of the tasks were that you had to set some goals using the SMART principle.

Secondly, in the newsletter titled, Using your Vision to Get Out of Your Winter Slump, we took the three step approach to keeping in contact with your vision. We discovered how important self-forgiveness is, as well as changing your inner voice.

Today, we will be looking at setting boundaries for yourself in your health and fitness journey.

Setting boundaries is when you openly communicate and assert your personal values as a way to preserve those values as well as protecting them against being compromised or violated.
It is important to remember that setting boundaries have to start with you valuing yourself sufficiently. Yes, you have to set boundaries for yourself. 

Is your health and fitness important to you? Have you set a vision for yourself? Do you have goals that you would like to achieve? Have you started speaking more positively about what you are achieving? Now, you have to start following through on a consistent level.

There is the story about Frederick the Great of Prussia who was walking along a road on the outskirts of Berlin one day when accidentally, he brushed against a very old man.

“Who are you?” Frederick asked out of idle curiosity as the two came to a halt.

“I am a king,” the old man answered.

“A king?” echoed Frederick.  “Over what principality do you reign?”

“Over myself,” was the proud reply.  “I rule myself because I control myself.  I am my own subject to command.”

Let’s discover the boundaries that you have to set yourself.  Please remember that boundaries have nothing to do with depriving yourself of good things, no, instead boundaries are what keeps you safe and what allows you to enjoy the fruits of your commitment.

Setting Boundary 1

In the previous newsletter we talked about overhauling your pantry.

How does what you have in your pantry fit in with your health and fitness vision and goals? If it does not fit in, then throw it out. Embrace the emotions that are connected to those foods that do not contribute to you loving your body in the healthiest way possible. Acknowledge that though you may feel a sense of loss when you throw it out, you are actually gaining so much more. You are gaining the gift of a healthier body and mind.

Setting Boundary 2

They key with exercise is consistency. Have specific days where you have set appointments with yourself, and honour yourself enough to keep your appointments with yourself. When you value yourself enough you will also send that message to others. Nip your excuses in the bud.

Setting Boundary 3

Stop your own destructive patterns by acknowledging that you are responsible for when you indulge.  Do not let your emotions overpower you. You make the choice, be conscious of your decisions. Have certain times that you allow yourself some reward. Rewards are there when you have accomplished the goal you have set yourself.

Setting boundaries for yourself is all about having balance. 

May you be able to say, “I rule myself because I control myself. I am my own subject to command.”

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