“I cannot lose weight because I’m not consistent with my exercise and diet, she said

Have you previously tried a bespoke exercise and nutrition program suited to your needs?”, I asked.

This was the start of a conversation I had with a lady who was simply enquiring about my services

In my 35 years of working with Busy Mums/Dads over the age of 40, I’ve seen sooo many people start with strong intentions. Only to fall by the wayside and eventually quit and end up where they started.


If you’ve previously ‘crashed and burnt’ whilst attempting a health kick, it wasn’t your fault.

8-Week Weight-loss Lifestyle Coaching Programme.

You were simply missing a few critical pieces to the equation that would have brought sustainable success for you. Those critical pieces are in your 8 Week Weight-loss Lifestyle Coaching Programme.

Forget the outdated approach to losing weight of ‘Eat Less, Move More.’ Instead, the two of us will work together to craft strategies that observe the science of fat-loss and that which fits into your life. This will be derived from your goals and unique set of circumstances.

My coaching will give you the tools and the framework to support you for maximum success. No extreme diets, no giving up all the things you enjoy, no crazy workouts. You get a coach that helps you gain a sustainable fitness routine inside and outside the gym.

Who Would Benefit From My Services?

Busy mums & Dads who are 40+ and want to drop their first 5 to 10 kilos by focusing on their fitness, beliefs, habits & behaviours. Give me just 3 hours per week and I’ll show you how to burn fat, radiate confidence, and upgrade your energy for the other 186 hours of your week.

Would you be interested in the details?

Simply give me a YES PLEASE

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