Using Your Vission To get Out Of Your Winter Slump

Using Your Vision To get out Of Your Winter Slump

Mark Twain said, “You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”

In last week’s newsletter – the task was to think about your vision for your health and fitness journey.

This week we are going to investigate how you can use this vision of yours to overcome the possible winter slump you may have found yourself in.

The beauty of having a vision, is that there is no right or wrong way of achieving it. The possibilities in achieving it are endless. Ask yourself the question, “What are the possibilities that a fitter and healthier me, will open up to me?” Do not work from a view of fear and scarcity, work from the understanding of the abundance that is awaiting you on this journey of health and fitness.

Last week I talked about the five times why trick.  This week I have the three step approach to staying in contact with your vision.


Think about what you say and how you can reframe that into a question that will excite and inspire you.

For example, take the question and subsequent answer, “What will happen if I do not get fit and healthy?”

Possible answer, “I will miss out on my children’s childhood.”

And change it to,

“What will happen when I get healthier and fitter?”

Possible answer, “I will be present in my children’s lives for longer!”

It may look the same, but the emotion of the last question is one of limitless hope and abundance.  It opens the possibility of creating a legacy that will live on long after you have left this planet.


Stop thinking about it and become it. Stop wishing for it, and start saying it.

No, ‘I wish I was fitter and healthier’ anymore.  But, “Today I am healthier and fitter than I was yesterday.  And tomorrow I will be healthier and fitter than I was yesterday.”

Do not say, “I want to go to the gym tonight.” If you have scheduled it in, just get up and go. You do not need to think about it. It is an appointment and you go.


The inspiration might wear thin, you may get tired, and you may become unclear about why you do what you do.  Then it is time to look at what is off track for your vision and what is on track for your vision.  Remember, vision works within the realm of no single right way or wrong way. Vision works with endless possibilities.

For this week your task is to start speaking your vision as if you are living it. Get that picture in your mind.


On a more personal note, I know that often we are our own very worst critics and judges. It is easy for us to forgive others, but it is not nearly as easy to forgive ourselves the mistakes (as we perceive our failures to be) we made. Today I want to challenge you to forgive yourself even before you start speaking your vision. What is in the past is in the past.  You will experience failures in the future. But instead of beating yourself up about this, I want you to throw your hands in the air and exclaim, “How fascinating!” for you have gained experience, and no experience is ever wasted!

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