Commit To Yourself

There is very little I can say about commitment that you do not already know. We commit ourselves to our life partners, our children, and to our families. We know what it takes to make a success of a relationship; it takes a whole lot of hard yakka.

Why is it then that we have difficulty committing to ourselves? We plan to go and work out later tonight but something comes up and the plan evaporates like steam into thin air. We set our alarm clocks for early the next morning, but hit the snooze button the moment it rings.

You are the only you, you will ever have. You are the only person that is your own constant companion. Why is it so difficult to commit to ourselves? 

Could it be that we are so overwhelmed during the week that we are paralysed by our constant schedule of busyness? Could it be because we placate ourselves with the mantra of, ‘I’ll do it during the weekend’? And then, when the weekend is over, we need another weekend to recover from the weekend?

I know that your body screams out for comfort when you arrive home after a long day at the office. I know your mind tells you that you are exhausted from staring at the computer screen all day long. The thing is, when you have committed to a health and fitness journey you have to start investing in some serious positive self talk, and stop living for the weekends.

Once you have committed to your journey you will have to tell yourself to rise above the bad days, hectic schedules and volatile emotions. You will have to hang in when your whole being does not want to. This is a matter of life and death (sound melodramatic doesn’t it?) and your health is on the line.

Do not become a weekend warrior.

Do not pack in a week’s worth of exercise during a weekend. Rather get in a little bit consistently every day.  Every other day for at least 30 minutes, even when you really do not feel like showing up. The health benefits will outweigh any discomfort you may feel at the time. (By discomfort I do not mean bodily pain to the point of injuring yourself.)

True commitment doesn’t depend on how you feel.  It depends on your integrity and on living for the purpose you have set for yourself.

When you value yourself you inadvertently send a message to others that you are important enough. They may just begin to think that they too are important enough, and before you know it, you have started a tribe!

Commit to yourself today, you are after all the only you, you will ever have.

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