Are you being Sued?

I remember having a friend come to me for fitness advice on dropping some weight about two weeks before Christmas. 

When I gave him a simple nutrition “template”, he told me, “This is great. I’m really serious this time and I am not going to cheat until I’m happy with my weight”. 

Keep in mind he has four kids and a full-time job. 

Needless to say, the “diet” didn’t work out. 

And it wasn’t because he wasn’t motivated…

Nor was it because he has a slow metabolism or his genetics….

It was because of the same reason thousands of other people “fail” with any kind of fitness regimen…

Setting unrealistic expectations (I call this “SUE”).

I see this a lot… 

People committing 5-7 days a week to the gym (the same place they haven’t seen in months). 

Then the diet…. currently 80% processed foods, with the rest eating what they’re supposed to… 

…yet expecting to reverse that in one week. 

So just after 2-3 weeks, the guilt comes because you’re not doing what you said you were going to do because you’re overwhelmed…

… so you give up. And that’s a shame. Don’t “sue” yourself

Here’s how to fix it…

Set up small victories – also known as “realistic expectations”. 

For example, if you haven’t exercised consistently in months, then perhaps committing to just two times a week for 30 minutes is ideal for the first two weeks. You can always add to it. 

And for crying out loud, you don’t have to overhaul your diet overnight, either. What are 1-2 things you can improve in the first week of your new regimen? 

Do those 1-2 things this week.

This gives you momentum. 

Momentum gives you consistency.

Consistency gives you confidence.

Confidence gives you motivation.


I specialise in people just like yourself who’ve previously tried and ‘not quite got over the finish line’ regards their health & fitness goals. 

I’m proposing we work out together, a personalised ‘Success Formula’ with appropriate exercise and do-able nutrition routines, coaching you into a success mentality.

I have an online training service called The Personal Transformation Programme it’s an effective facilitator of change. Aimed at transforming your wishful thinking into a mind-set focused on success.

It teaches you a set of tried and true strategies aimed at overcoming limiting beliefs & self-sabotaging habits which may have previously stopped people from achieving their desired goals.

I’ll be taking you on a journey, Using my “4 Pillars To Success” framework, helping you regain and maintain motivation to stay on course to increase your energy levels, make you feel better and move better. Resulting in: less aches and pains, Improved figure/physique & greater confidence. 

Here’s How It Works

Over the past 3 years I have produced hundreds of short exercise videos and placed them on my training site called: Trainerize. It enables me to share my knowledge with more people and I can make it more affordable at the same time. 

It all starts by me designing a custom made plan, built around your personal goals.  

Once I’ve designed a plan, You’ll follow the workouts I design for you with guiding videos and instructions on your phone – you simply download an app that I provide for you. You take your phone into the gym or at home and look at the video exercises I’ve produced for you and I’ll be tracking your progress via the Trainerize site

You’ll have the opportunity to message me questions or see me in the gym. Plus you and I will be getting together for a Face-to-face PT session every 3 weeks.

Here’s the good news. The cost of this is just $33 per week (Paid Monthly) and there is no minimum time – in other words, you can cancel at any time.

What to do next……

Option 1:

I’d like to see if we are a ‘good fit’ and to ascertain if I can help you. Simply click on the following link and answer the these questions:

1.       What ‘challenges, obstacles or pain’ can I help you conquer?
2.       Why is it important for you to conquer?
3.       What specific results would you like to achieve.

Here’s The Link

Or Option 2:

For more information, click here…

The Personal Transformation Programme

In your corner




2 thoughts on “Are you being Sued?

  1. Cheryl says:

    Hi Steve,
    I would love to do this but at the moment it is out of the question as we’ve been through a tough time lately and just cannot afford it. I might be able to join at a much later stage. I am enjoying your videos though. Thanks for everything.
    Regards, Cheryl

  2. steve sharkey says:

    Just picked up your comment Cheryl………… sorry for not seeing it sooner.

    Thank you for your kind words and don’t hesitate to come back to me when you are ready.

    In the meantime – KEEP MOVIN! Even a 10 minute walk (with attitude) will do you great and it costs nothing.

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