This Is Really Cool…

I know, ‘cheesie’ subject line, but I had to get your attention some how for this brilliant ‘FREEBIE’

There seems to be an unprecedented amount of viruses hitting families and causing ‘misery’ at the moment.

If this is the case in your household, and/or you’d like a good dose of Antioxidants to protect your muscle fibres, organs and cells after your workouts and STIMULATE CONSISTENT muscle tone, then there’s a video link included near the bottom of this message – well worth watching (just 2 minutes).


For the past 27 years I’ve been taking this whole food. It’s not a synthetic supplement, it’s simply 21 helpings of fruit and veg held in capsule form. Some of you may have heard of it – It’s called Juice Plus.

I’ve never taken man-made supplements, I don’t believe that we should be putting synthetic ‘materials’ into our bodies. I truly believe that Juice Plus has maintained my immune system (cant remember the last time I had a cold virus) & has been the foundation of my health and fitness.

Here’s the really cool thing (trying to sound ‘groovy’ in my 50’s)

The Juice Plus company provide the product free of charge to your children!

They Introduced a Children’s Health Study?

Established in 1999, the international Children’s Health Study is a large-scale, multi-year survey designed to formally document the positive effects Juice Plus+® has on the health and well-being of families who take it.

The study is based on three important concepts:

1. Good nutrition is the foundation of health and inspires other healthy lifestyle choices.

2. The best time to establish good health and nutritional habits is in childhood.

3. The key to getting children to adopt good health habits is parental involvement.

How does it work?
The way the Children’s Health Study works is simple. For every parent, grandparent, or other adult that signs up as a Juice Plus+® customer, the study provides Juice Plus+® free to a child, teenager, or college student for up to three years.

At various intervals — after 4-8 months and then at the end of each year — adult participants are asked to fill out a voluntary survey to determine whether (and how) their families’ health habits have changed as a result of taking Juice Plus+®.

The Results
Here’s a brief overview:

81% of children on Juice Plus consumed less fast food and high sugar carbonated drinks.

66% of parents reported that their children were taking less over-the-counter medication.

79% of parents said their children experience less visits to the doctor.

73% of children had less days off school sick.

62% said that their children’s academic performs at school had improved

95% of parents said ‘yes’ when asked the following question: “Do you think your involvement in the Juice Plus Children’s Health Study has resulted in a change in your child’s awareness of his or her health & wellness?”

Check Out This 2 Minute Video

If you’d like me to add it into your diet and arrange delivery straight to your home, simply call me on 0437 314920.

For more information, visit my site:


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