3 Steps To Weigh Yourself Right

A funny thing happened the other day at the gym. It was Monday and I’d planned to weigh and measure one of my female clients. “C’mon then Mary, (made up name) let’s see how fat you are.” Yes, I like to keep my sessions light-hearted. 

“Not today Steve….. I had A REALLY NAUGHTY WEEKEND.”

No, not what some of you may be thinking……. She’d ‘over-indulged’ in the food department.

So this lead me to share the following with you:
Look we all do it… we ALL obsess over the scale at one point or another.
BUT you know what… IT’S OKAY!
You are human and you are allowed to weigh yourself, but to ensure that you’re getting an accurate read when you jump on that scale keep the following steps in mind: 

Time: Always weigh yourself at the same time of day, preferably first thing in the morning after going pee. 

Clothing: Wear the same type and amount of clothing, or (if in the privacy of your own home) weigh without clothing. 

Journal: Keep a log of your weight along with the date to create a history of data to assist you towards your fitness goal.

Keep these things in mind and don’t let that number beat you up… Take note and move forward!

My Guidance 

Are you feeling somewhat overwhelmed with your training and unsure of what direction to take? Simply call me on 0437 314 920 to discuss your goals and potentially book a face-to-face PT session.

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